Note to Self: Work Hard, Rest Hard

Rest doesn’t come naturally to me. In my corporate role, 50- and 60-hour weeks were normal. Breakfast, lunch, and supper? All at my desk. I have fallen asleep at my desk accidentally more times than I can count—head on my keyboard, in the middle of a project. That culture doesn’t leave much room for pause, ... Read more
Mili's Spa

Rest doesn’t come naturally to me.

In my corporate role, 50- and 60-hour weeks were normal. Breakfast, lunch, and supper? All at my desk. I have fallen asleep at my desk accidentally more times than I can count—head on my keyboard, in the middle of a project. That culture doesn’t leave much room for pause, and I wore my exhaustion like a badge of honour.

It was ironic when we once had a corporate wellness event on the importance of rest. We spent the afternoon talking about Usain Bolt, of all people, and how he rested his way to greatness.

Here’s the story…

It was 2008. Bolt had been eliminated from Athens in 2004. He’d dropped out of the recent World Championships due to injury. Even his coach didn’t want him entering the 100m at the Beijing Olympics.

And then Bolt broke the world record.

What was his secret? He napped before the race. Not just that race—before every gold medal win in 2008, he spent hours sleeping in his hotel room.

While other athletes paced nervously and stressed over game plans, Bolt was out cold. Then he’d wake up, crack a few jokes, jog to the track, and win! When a journalist asked for his secret ingredient, he said, Sleep.

Studies back this up. 

  • Athletes who get more than 8 hours of sleep are half as likely to get injured. 
  • Extra sleep makes basketball players faster and improves shooting accuracy. 
  • In baseball, better sleep predicts longer, more successful careers.
  • I can go on…

You Cannot Perform Without Resting

Rest isn’t a luxury. It’s a necessity.

Just look at nature:

  • Lions sleep 20 hours a day before they hunt.
  • Dolphins rest half their brains at a time to survive.
  • Cats nap 14-16 hours daily.
  • Bears hibernate for months to restore their energy.
  • Migratory birds fly for days, then sleep deeply to recover.
  • Snakes slow their systems to rest and grow.
  • Humans inhale, then exhale—we can’t function without pause.
  • The earth cycles through day and night.
  • Tides rise and fall.
  • Seasons change, and fields die off before they get flowers again.

Nature knows what we forget: performance comes from recovery.  There is no action without rest.

So, note to self: work hard, rest hard. You’ll do better—and feel better—when you’re fully restored.

“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.”
— Ovid (Ancient Roman poet)

“There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.”

— Alan Cohen (Author)

More to Come

I’ve realized how much I enjoy sharing these thoughts and feelings, especially if they can help others. Sorry if I’m rambling.

I’ll be back soon with more home spa tips to help you create moments of calm, relaxation, and recovery in your busy life. Because if there’s one thing I’m learning it’s this: when you give yourself permission to rest, you come back stronger.

Until next time, remember—work hard, but rest harder..